protestation: protest
travailleurs: workers
sans: without
papiers: papers (either plain ol' paper or documents...just as we use the word papers in the US)
Paris serves as a booming capital city and a meeting place for the world. Throughout its history Paris has become the home and haven to a long list of exiles and political dissidents such as the Ayatollah Khomeini, Baby Doc Duvalier, Lenin, etc. Like Washington, DC, there seems to be a different protest here every day.
This weekend there was a major street march in Montparnasse denouncing Israel's attack on the Gaza relief flotilla. There was a much smaller gathering in the Trocodero I encountered of Peruvians trying to save the Amazon.

Later in the night when I walked by -because the Metro stop is next to the Opera, perhaps 100-200 men were sleeping on the sidewalks in front of the Opera. It was a strange and sad sight. It underscores the debate going on in almost every prosperous industrialized country -in China with North Koreans, in France with Africans, in the US with Mexicans- around what to do with undocumented workers. As in the US, these low-paid, low-skill immigrants do a lot of the dirty work in France. So, they are needed in the labor market to some extent but are the first fired when the economy goes into recession.
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